Sunday, September 27, 2009

Broadway Flea Market

I have a lot to post about from reviews of 9 to 5, Burn the Floor, Memphis to events I have covered and to what I have up next. I have been a busy bee which I love just a little tired but today was the Broadway Flea Market so cant complain. 

I have to say that the flea market is one of the best events held each year in the alley and a bit disappointing it had to be moved inside this year. I love just being outside for the day walking aimlessly in the alley just looking at all the Broadway merch being sold, seeing the actors work the tables and just mingle and just seeing hundreds of people come together to raise money for a great cause. Today it was a mad house. It was moved inside the Roseland Ballroom which was cramped, packed and hot but just glad they even had it. It still was fun and was able to find some great deals. I made a few rounds before purchasing anything. I was on a search for anything 9 to 5 yet unfortunately didn't find much. There was a large Stephanie Block Poster which I eyed for a while but than realize there was no way I could carry that out of there let alone bring it home. It was sold and brought up to the autographed table which was quite humorous to see this life sized post of Stephanie just being walked around. I wonder what her reaction was. I believe my first purchase was a chocolate chip cake by the wonderful chefs over at the Lion King. I than hit the TKTS booth yet lost like usual. Why I even bother I don't know since I never win raffles. It was hard to even walk let alone look at the tables around 10am so we decided to take our chances in the basement. While walking to the stairs we hear a familiar voice . who was it? Felicia Finley working the auctions. Nice surprise to see her and I cant wait till she makes her return to the stage! she was hilarious today and a great seller. We made it downstairs where I found my favorite purchase. I saw a few A Chorus Line show jackets yet the first one i tried on was huge and didn't fit at all but the second one was perfect but 150 dollars to much for me to pay for a jacket. I made a few more rounds up stairs getting a one dollar Rent poster, five Dollar Rock of Ages off Broadway program. I didn't see many things I wanted to buy. The Wicked table had a few things but couldn't see myself spending 300 on a leather bag. A few 9 to 5 shirts but didn't have my size, Rock of Age calendar but wasn't going to spend 40 dollars on it. few other posters and records but ended up not getting. Turned one O'clock and we hit the photo booth. I wanted a photo with Stephanie Block, Chad Kimball and Montego Glover but Chad didn't make it but I was still able to get a photograph with Stephanie Block which I wanted since 9 to 5! She was a doll and couldn't have been sweeter. I was quite nervous like normal but she called me over put her arm around me said thanks a bunch of times and rubbed my back ha ha! told her how much I loved 9 to 5 which she seemed very happy to hear I was going to say how I felt I shouldn't have closed but that was way to many words for me to get out. I also wanted to give her prints of the photographs I took at 9 to 5 but punked out. oh well.
Maybe next time. Alice Ripley was also doing photos at the same time which was nice to see Alice, shes amazing. 

After the photos we were hot, tired and had a headache which meant food and resting. Before we left I ran down stairs to see if the jacket was still there. It was! I asked how low they would be willing to see it for. I was thinking 100, 80? he told me 40!! I took it right there! I love it! best purchase I have made at the flea markets yet. 

Overall it was a nice day and hope they raise a lot of money! 

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